Now showing items 3806-3825 of 4234

      Authors Name
      Simon Arunga , Geoffrey Wiafe, Esmael Habtamu, John Onyango, Stephen Gichuhi, Astrid Leck, David Macleod, Victor Hu, Matthew Burton [1]
      Simon Arunga , Naome Kyomugasho , Teddy Kwaga , John Onyango , Astrid Leck , David Macleod , Victor Hu , Matthew Burton [2]
      Simon Arunga Guyguy M. Kintoki, James Mwesigye, Bosco Ayebazibwe, John Onyango, Joel Bazira, Rob Newton, Stephen Gichuhi, Astrid Leck, David Macleod, Victor H. Hu, and Matthew J. Burton [1]
      Simon Arunga, Guyguy M. Kintoki , Stephen Gichuhi , John Onyango , Rob Newton , Astrid Leck, David Macleod , Victor H. Hu, and Matthew J. Burton [1]
      Simon Arunga, Guyguy M. Kintoki, Stephen Gichuhi, John Onyang, Bosco Ayebazibwe, Rob Newton, Astrid Leck, David Macleod, Victor H. Hu, and Matthew J. Burton [1]
      Simon Meso OBILA [1]
      Simon N. Githui 1 , Roselyne A. Odhiambo 2 , Willis Ombete, Paul Wambugu ,Dennis N. Mbithi [1]
      Simon N.Onsongo, KephasOtieno ,Shannenvan Duijn,EmilyAdams,Mervis Omollo,Isdora A.Odero,AlloysK'Oloo,Nathalie Houbene,Emmanuel ,Milimo RobertAroka,Hellen C.Barsosiob,Fredrick Oluoch,Albert Odhiambo,Simon Kariuki,Tobias F. Rinkede Witce [1]
      Simon Onsongo Nyangena [1]
      Simon Onsongo, Syed Hani Abidi, Samoel Khamadi, Reena Shah, Sheila Kageha, Peter Ojwang, Syed Ali, Nancy Okinda [2]
      Simona Kraberger 1, Salem Saumtally 2, Daniel Pande 3, Michel H R Khoodoo 2, Sonalall Dhayan 2, Asha Dookun-Saumtally 2, Dionne N Shepherd 4, Penelope Hartnady 5, Richard Atkinson 4, Francisco M Lakay 4, Britt Hanson 4, Devasha Redhi 4, Adérito L Monjane 6, Oliver P Windram 7, Matthew Walters 8, Sunday Oluwafemi 9, Jean Michel-Lett 10, Pierre Lefeuvre 10, Darren P Martin 11, Arvind Varsani 12 [1]
      Simonetti, Leandro [1]
      Singhal, M [1]
      Sirengo Peter Nyongesa, Oduor Chrispus, Dennis Simiyu Wamalwa, Odeny Damaris Achieng, Rajneesh Paliwal, Matasyoh Lexa, Dangasuk George [1]
      Sirengo Peter Nyongesa, Wamalwa Dennis Simiyu , Oduor Chrispus , Odeny Damaris Achieng , Dangasuk Otto George [1]
      Siringi, Elijah M [1]
      SITATI, N. Ruth [1]
      SJO Owuor, MN Oginda, J Obura [1]
      SK Mavuti, PG Mbuthia, RM Waruiru, LW Njagi, MN Mutune, RO Otieno, PLM Msoffe, DK Byarugaba, GK Aning [1]
      SK Mavuti, PG Mbuthia, RM Waruiru, RO Otieno, PLM Msoffe [1]