Now showing items 1781-1790 of 4004

    Emelia J Benjamin, Michael J Blaha, Stephanie E Chiuve, Mary Cushman, Sandeep R Das, Rajat Deo, Sarah D De Ferranti, James Floyd, Myriam Fornage, Cathleen Gillespie, Carmen R Isasi, Monik C Jimenez, Lori Chaffin Jordan, Suzanne E Judd, Daniel Lackland, Judith H Lichtman, Lynda Lisabeth, Simin Liu, Chris T Longenecker, Rachel H Mackey, Kunihiro Matsushita, Dariush Mozaffarian, Michael E Mussolino, Khurram Nasir, Robert W Neumar, Latha Palaniappan, Dilip K Pandey, Ravi R Thiagarajan, Mathew J Reeves, Matthew Ritchey, Carlos J Rodriguez, Gregory A Roth, Wayne D Rosamond, Comilla Sasson, Amytis Towfighi, Connie W Tsao, Melanie B Turner, Salim S Virani, Jenifer H Voeks, Joshua Z Willey, John T Wilkins, Jason HY Wu, Heather M Alger, Sally S Wong, Paul Muntner (1)
    Emelia J Benjamin, Paul Muntner, Alvaro Alonso, Marcio S Bittencourt, Clifton W Callaway, April P Carson, Alanna M Chamberlain, Alexander R Chang, Susan Cheng, Sandeep R Das, Francesca N Delling, Luc Djousse, Mitchell SV Elkind, Jane F Ferguson, Myriam Fornage, Lori Chaffin Jordan, Sadiya S Khan, Brett M Kissela, Kristen L Knutson, Tak W Kwan, Daniel T Lackland, Tené T Lewis, Judith H Lichtman, Chris T Longenecker, Matthew Shane Loop, Pamela L Lutsey, Seth S Martin, Kunihiro Matsushita, Andrew E Moran, Michael E Mussolino, Martin O’Flaherty, Ambarish Pandey, Amanda M Perak, Wayne D Rosamond, Gregory A Roth, Uchechukwu KA Sampson, Gary M Satou, Emily B Schroeder, Svati H Shah, Nicole L Spartano, Andrew Stokes, David L Tirschwell, Connie W Tsao, Mintu P Turakhia, Lisa B VanWagner, John T Wilkins, Sally S Wong, Salim S Virani, American Heart Association Council on Epidemiology and Prevention Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee, American Heart Association, US Census Bureau population estimates: historical data: 2000s, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, World Health Organization, National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, RN Anderson, HM Rosenberg, World Health Organization, DM Lloyd-Jones, Y Hong, D Labarthe, D Mozaffarian, LJ Appel, L Van Horn, K Greenlund, S Daniels, G Nichol, GF Tomaselli, DK Arnett, GC Fonarow, PM Ho, MS Lauer, FA Masoudi, RM Robertson, V Roger, LH Schwamm, P Sorlie, CW Yancy, WD Rosamond, American Heart Association Strategic Planning Task Force and Statistics Committee, American Heart Association, JS Rumsfeld, KP Alexander, DC Goff Jr, MM Graham, PM Ho, FA Masoudi, DK Moser, VL Roger, MS Slaughter, KG Smolderen, JA Spertus, MD Sullivan, D Treat-Jacobson, JJ Zerwic, American Heart Association Council on Quality of Care and Outcomes Research, Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing, Council on Epidemiology and Prevention, Council on Peripheral Vascular Disease, and Stroke Council, CM Shay, HS Gooding, R Murillo, R Foraker, Y Chang, X Guo, Y Chen, L Guo, Z Li, S Yu, H Yang, G Sun, Y Sun, T Laitinen, TT Laitinen, K Pahkala, CG Magnussen, M Oikonen, JS Viikari, MA Sabin, SR Daniels, OJ Heinonen, L Taittonen, O Hartiala, V Mikkilä, N Hutri-Kähönen, T Laitinen, M Kähönen, OT Raitakari, M Juonala, A Younus, EC Aneni, ES Spatz, CU Osondu, L Roberson, O Ogunmoroti, R Malik, SS Ali, M Aziz, T Feldman, SS Virani, W Maziak, AS Agatston, E Veledar, K Nasir, L Zhou, L Zhao, Y Wu, Y Wu, X Gao, Y Li, J Mai, Z Nie, Y Ou (1)
    Emily C Rutto, Robert Okalebo, Caleb O Othieno, Mary J Kipsat, Andre Bationo, Kefyalew Girma (1)
    Emily M Teshome, Andrew M Prentice, Ayşe Y Demir, Pauline EA Andang’o, Hans Verhoef (1)
    Emily M Teshome, Veronica S Oriaro, Pauline EA Andango, Andrew M Prentice, Hans Verhoef (1)
    Emily M Teshome, Walter Otieno, Sofie R Terwel, Victor Osoti, Ayşe Y Demir, Pauline EA Andango, Andrew M Prentice, Hans Verhoef (1)
    Emily M. Teshome, Andrew M. Prentice, Ayşe Y. Demir, Pauline E.A. Andang’o & Hans Verhoef (1)
    Emmanuel A. Shikanga, Josias H. Hamman, Weiyang Chen, Sandra Combrinck, Nigel Gericke , Alvaro M. Viljoen (1)
    Emmanuel Amukohe Shikanga, a Alvaro M. Viljoen,b * Ilze Vermaakb and Sandra Combrincka (1)
    Emmanuel AmukoheShikangaaAlvaro M.ViljoenbSandraCombrinckaAndrewMarstoncNigelGericke (1)