School of Arts and Social Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 62
Pictorial metaphor in the portrayal of corruption In the Daily nation newspaper
(Maseno university, 2024)Cartoons use language as an artistic medium in which various options are explored for effective communication. The language of cartoons is indirect unlike the language of news reporting in that it is characterized by ... -
Analysis of narrative elements in the Bukusu initiation ritual (Sikhebo)
(Maseno university, 2024)Rituals mark rites of passages from one point to the next and involve performances worldwide. In Africa, rituals are performed during birth, initiation, marriage and death ceremonies. The Bukusu community practices rituals ... -
Le Kenya National Drama Festival : Identité culturelle dans un corpus dramatique anglophone et francophone.
(UNIVERSITÉ BLAISE PASCAL (CLERMONT II) École Doctorale Lettres, Sciences Humaines et Sociales, ED 370, 2019)This study analyszes the representation of cultural identity in sixteen drama texts written by Kenyans in English and in French for the Kenya National Drama Festival (KNDF). Considering the colonial history and the ... -
The Woman's Voice in Unyago Oral Poetry: A Case Study of Swahili- Speaking Clusters in Kisumu and its Environs
(Maseno University, 2000)This is a study of Unyago songs (poems). It investigates the structure of the songs and their socio-cultural contexts. Among other related issues, the Study examines Unyago as a Women's specific institution for ... -
The Effect of Sex, Ethnic Group and the Endorsement of Masculine/Feminine Personality Traits on the Perception, use and Ownership of Selected Sportswear Apparel
(1984)The purpose of this research study was to assess the nonverbal communication of the masculinity/femininity of selected sportswear items to ownership, use, and endorsement of expressive and instrumental personality traits. ... -
Dholuo Dialects: Synchronic state and some historical inferences
(University of Nairobi, 1990)he present study attempts to establish which varieties of Dholuo constitute regional dialects. socio-Linguistic orientation in the identification and analysis of the dialect features. Unlike traditional dialect studies, ... -
Gender Difference and academic a achievement in Music among Form four Students in Kenya 1991-1995
(University of Pretoria, 1999)The purpose of this study was to compare academic achievement in Music between boys and girls at the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) level in order \ to find out whether there is gender difference. Differences ... -
Semantic Memory and Language in Dementia of the Alzheimer Type
(University of Alberta, 1999)Dementia of the Alzheimer Type (DAT) is a degenerative, terminal illness that has a devastating effect not only on the individual, but also on their family and friends. Current research seems to indicate that neuropsychological ... -
The nature, causes and participation in traditional oathing. The case of the Akamba in Mwala Parish, Machakos Diocese-Kenya.
(CUEA, 2003)The prevalence of traditional oathing in Mwala Parish prompted the researcher to undertake the study. There are conflicts between the traditional oathing and Christianity. Some of the Akarnba see traditional oath as an ... -
An analytical study of the doctrine of materialism, with reference to selected African conceptions of reality
(Maseno University, 2002)Materialism greatly influences paradigms of development in the world today. Yet, as an answer to the question of whether or not reality is a single substance or force, is less understood. Consequently, there is a need ... -
A college freshman’s departure from home and Its impact on the father left behind
(University of North Carolina, 1987) -
Doctrine of materialism, with reference to selected African conceptions of reality
(Maseno University, 2002)Materialism greatly influences paradigms of development in the world today. Yet, as an answer to the question of whether or not reality is a single substance or force, is less understood. Consequently, there is a need ... -
Fertility dynamics and its relationship to Child survival in Siaya district -Kenya
(University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, 1997)Qualitative and quantitative data gathered in a survey of 340 women from Siaya in Kenya demonstrate that high fertility in the district is a rational response to the prevalent traditional socio-cultural system which ... -
Gender difference and academic achievement In music among form four students in Kenya 1991-1995
(University of Pretoria, 1999)The purpose of this study was to compare academic achievement in Music between boys and girls at the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) level in order \ to find out whether there is gender difference. ... -
A pragmatic analysis of .politeness strategies in Nurse-client interactions in selected public health Facilities in Nyanza province, Kenya
(Maseno University, 2010)The government of Kenya has initiated reforms in the health sector with a major intention that in the coming years, health service provision will become humane, compassionate and dignified.This is in line with the changing ... -
HIV/AIDS and luo culture in Bondo District, Kenya since 1983: a historical perspective
(Maseno University, 2008)The study investigates the cultural beliefs, practices and norms of the Luo Community in relation to the transmission and prevalence of HIV/AIDS in Bondo region from a historical perspective. By focusing on the beach ... -
Christian diversity and community development in VIHIGA District, Kenya
(Maseno University, 2008)Despite the efforts by development thinkers and practitioners to eradicate poverty, it has remained a feature of the society in most Third World countries. This has stirred further global search for better solutions to ... -
Coverage of genetically modified organism (GMO) food crops in Kenya by the Daily Nation newspaper of Kenya
(Maseno University, 2016)The study was intended to assess the coverage of Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) food crops in Kenya by the Daily Nation newspapers. Public controversies will increase the penetration of the mass media and thereby ... -
A communicative analysis of HIV and aids discourse in Nyanza province, Kenya
(Maseno University, 2009)Communicationis a key ingredient of all aspects of human interaction and is carried out to pass information, exchange ideas or simply to establish a sense of oneness or commonness between two or more interactants. This ...