Now showing items 1-20 of 20

      Re-entry, teenage mothers [1]
      Refugees, exile, [1]
      relationship, adolescents, perceptions, parents, Inter-parental Conflicts, delinquency, secondary schools. [1]
      Relationship, Meta-Cognitive learning skills, Academic performance, Orphaned students, Secondary school, [1]
      Relationship, parenting styles, academic adjustments, form one, Kenyan secondary school students [1]
      Relationship, Time Management, Academic Performance, Orphaned students, Secondary school, Kenya [1]
      relationship; emotional engagement; academic achievement; secondary school; students [1]
      relationship; student cognitive engagement; academic achievement; secondary school; students [1]
      Relationship; students; self-esteem; indulgence; behavior problems; Kenya [1]
      Relevance, Skills, Attachment, Art and Design [1]
      religion, Christianity and African Traditional Religions [1]
      Religion, church, state, politics, violence. [1]
      Religion, conflict, prevention, mitigation, response. [1]
      religion; environment; African traditions; conservation; Sengwer; indigenous youths; indigenous epistemologies; youth consciousness. [1]
      Religious institutions, elections, post-conflict, ethnic cleansing [1]
      Religiousness; parenting; child adjustment; reporter; religion [1]
      Research ethics HIV/AIDS Informed consent Orphan hood Social science research Children Ethnography [1]
      research literature, academic research, Kenyan public universities, [1]
      Reward sensitivity, impulse control, and social cognition [1]
      RNA interference, trypanosomes, gene silencing, RNAi library, drug targets [1]