Department of Educational Communication, Technology & Curriculum Studies: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 73
Model for Blended Supervision of Post-Graduate Students
(InTech, 2015)Supervision of eLearning students at Maseno University poses a great challenge to the normal institutional order because most senior lecturers qualified for postgraduate supervision are technologically illiterate, ... -
The Relationship between School Burnout, Gender and Academic Achievement amongst Secondary School Students in Kisumu East Subcounty Kenya
(Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies (JETERAPS), 2016)School burnout reduces productivity and creativity and is related to low goal progress which subsequently leads to delay in studies and low educational aspirations. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence ... -
Influence of Integration of Information Communication Technology on Performance in Chemistry among Public Secondary Schools in Kisumu County, Kenya
(Centre for Promoting Ideas, UK, 2019)The purpose of present research was establishing influence of Integrating Information Communication Technology (ICT) on performance in chemistry among public schools. The results showed a moderate significant positive ... -
Teachers’ Computer Capacity in Public Primary Schools in Homa Bay County, Kenya: The Case of the Digital Literacy Programme
(European Scientific Journal, 2019)Kenyan public primary schools are rapidly adopting digital technology in teaching and learning. The purpose of this study was to establish teachers’ computer skills as groundwork towards the integration of laptop computers ... -
(Open Access Publishing Group, 2019-10-31)Activity, Student, Experiment, Improvisation (ASEI) and Plan, Do, See, Improve (PDSI) is a pedagogical strategy advocated by Strengthening of Mathematics and Science Education (SMASE) program since 2010 to refocus the ... -
Evaluation Of Objectives Of Physics Teacher Education In Relation To Pedagogic Skills Of Student Teachers In Public Universities In Kenya
(2018-08-08)Evaluation of the B.Ed (Science) program in public universities has focused on content and little has been reported on the improvements made on objectives of the training programs. Moreover, each university develops its ... -
(2015-10-10)Traditional teaching methods are predominant in many African classrooms. These methods are always teacher dominated ignoring the diversity of learners. Research indicates that when students are instructed in a way that ... -
(2020-01-19)Competencies for integrating ICT in the teaching refer to knowledge and skills about ICT. UNESCO looks at competence in terms of understanding how ICT is used and what value it adds in teaching. Studies suggest the success ... -
Conditions for implementation of the science curriculum in early childhood development and education centres in Kenya
(SAGE Publications, 2008-11)Cognitive development and teaching have highlighted the importance of learning based on the relationship among individuals and the learning environment. Teaching and learning of science in early childhood development and ... -
Teachers' Experiences of the Probation Period of Teaching in Kenya: implications for teacher induction policies and programmes
(Taylor & Francis, 2003-09-01)The probation period for Newly Qualified Teachers (NQTs) in Kenya has hardly been studied. Universities have produced thousands of teachers, but it is not clear as to their experiences in schools. This study examines the ... -
Attitudes of teachers and students towards art and design curriculum: Implications for vocational education in Kenya
(Academic Journals, 2009-10-30)Art and Design Curriculum taught in secondary schools in Kenya is intended not only to prepare learners for a vocation in Art and Design industry but also to complement literacy, scientific and factual subjects by awakening ... -
School based factors influencing implementation of early childhood development and education curriculum
(Educational Research, 2010)Conditions of learning are crucial in determining quality of education. There are real concerns raised by stakeholders regarding the quality of education in Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE) centers in Emuhaya ... -
Relationship between school culture and students\'performance in French in selected secondary schools in Kenya
(2009)School culture refers to a set of accepted beliefs and norms governing people's conduct in a school. Schools with a culture that favors teaching and learning French tend to have a longer history of offering French subject ... -
Policies and practice of home science education in secondary schools
(2010-07)Policy formulation, implementation and evaluation in relation to Home Science education raise fundamental questions of efficacy. Since independence in Kenya in 1963, there have been several commissions to look into the ... -
Impact of educational policy changes on home science education in secondary schools in Kenya: 1981 to 2005
(Academic Journals, 2010-09-30)Home science is a pre-vocational subject in the Kenyan secondary school curriculum. It is designed to equip the learner not only with theoretical concepts, but also with skills that may lead to self employment. However, ... -
Home Science education in Kenya: The need for review
(2010-10)While Home Science education in Kenya has been reviewed each time there has been a commission of inquiry into the curriculum in Kenya, the framework, and therefore, the methodology for review have remained relatively ... -
Challenges and benefits of using scientific calculators in the teaching and learning of Mathematics in secondary school education
(Academic Journals, 2011-03-31)Educational technology is recognized as an essential component of the instructional process. In particular, scientific calculator has emerged as a useful tool for teaching and learning of Mathematics in Kenya. From the ... -
Parental involvement and perceptions of their role in early childhood development education pedagogy in Kenya
(International Journal of Current Research, 2012)This paper examines the role of parents and perceptions of both parents and teachers towards early childhood development based on a study conducted among Mumias Town, Kenya. The descriptive research design was adopted. The ... -
Challenges and strategies of working with learners with low vision: Implications for teacher training
(Academic Journals, 2012-03-12)Learners with low vision can be trained to increase their visual functioning through a planned programme of visual experiences. Such a low vision training programme was introduced in Kenya in 1994. However, despite its ... -
Gender and students' academic achievement in Kiswahili language
(Sabinet, 2012-10-01)Gender is one of the key factors influencing students' academic achievement. In Hamisi District, Vihiga County in Kenya, achievement of students in Kiswahili language is poor, yet no comparison has been made between male ...