Department of Special Needs Education & Rehabilitation: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 32
The Inclusion of Students with Visual Impairment in Regular Institutions in Kenya: An Analysis of Policy and Legal Framework
(IJRISS, 2024-04-24)This study is concerned with the inclusion of students with visual impairments in the regular institutions in Kenya. The purpose is to study the policy documents that have been guiding the inclusion of students with ... -
The Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in Tertiary Institution: A Review of Related Literature on Strategies of Making Curriculum Accessible to Students Visual Impairments
(IJRISS, 2024-11-11)The inclusion of students with disabilities including those with visual impairment (VI) has become a popular trend in most countries of the world. However, students with VI still face challenges in accessing curriculum ... -
Kenyan Sign Language (KSL) Dataset: Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Bridging Communication Barrier among the Deaf Learners
(arXiv preprint arXiv, 2024-10-23)Kenyan Sign Language (KSL) is the primary language used by the deaf community in Kenya. It is the medium of instruction from Pre-primary 1 to university among deaf learners, facilitating their education and academic ... -
Enhancing teacher practices in assessing functional performance of students with autism spectrum disorder (asd): an empirical perspective
(European Journal of Education Studies, 2024-09-27)Youth students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are at higher risk of functional skills deficiency, which presents a barrier to the acquisition of academic skills. This study examines teachers’ practices in determining ... -
Analysis of expressive and receptive kenyan sign language skills among primary deaf children in western region, kenya
(European Journal of Special Education Research, 2024-09-09)Research has shown that deaf children of hearing parents, who constitute 95% of the deaf community, find challenges in acquiring both sign and spoken languages. This study examined the competence of deaf children in ... -
Constituent order in Flemish Sign Language (VGT) and South African Sign Language (SASL): a cross-linguistic study
(John Benjamins, 2007)his paper reports on a comparison of word order issues, and more specifically on the order of the verb and its arguments, in two unrelated sign languages: South African Sign Language and Flemish Sign Language. The study ... -
Teachers` level of support in the use of teaching and learning resources of learners who are physically challenged in regular primary Schools in Kisumu West Sub County, Kenya.
(ASSRJ, 2020)The Government of Kenya made inclusive education a policy requirement in the provision of education to all children. Research has shown that the support given by teachers plays a very ... -
Extent of adaptation of teaching and learning strategies in inclusive public centers in Kisumu county,Kenya
(European Journal of Education Studies, 2020)Inclusive teaching and learning strategies strive to meet the needs of all learners, regardless of difficult or need and support their engagement with the subject material. One of the important principles of inclusive ... -
Differences In Self-Concept Among Low Vision Learners And Those Who Are Totally Blind In Primary Schools, Kenya
(International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS), 2020)Self-concept is one of the most popular ideas in psychological literature. Unfortunately self-concept is also illusive and often poorly defined construct. Terms such as self-concept, self-esteem, self-worth, self-acceptance ... -
Low Vision Devices For The Blind, Yes. What Are The Challenges?
(International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS), 2021): It has been observed that when users of low vision devices view through the optical centre of the devices, they tend to shield light that fall at the centre thus reducing visibility of whatever one was to regard, such ... -
Influence of Kenyan sign language on syntactical patterns of written English in primary schools for the deaf in Kenya
(Open Access Publishing Group, 2020)Performance of English in KCPE examination by learners who are deaf has shown a trend of low scores as compared to their hearing counterparts in Nakuru Region. For four consecutive years; 2010, 2011, 2012 & 2013 English ... -
South African Sign Language and Flemish Sign Language: Similar or different? Corpus-based research focusing on reference tracking
(kuleuven, 2007-01)There are a number of indications for a high degree of similarity between grammars of different sign languages studied so far. These observations are almost exclusively based on the analysis of American, Western European ... -
What is South African sign language? What is the South African deaf community
(research gate, 2009-05-11)SUMMARY What is South African Sign Language? What is the South African Deaf Community? These two questions may look simple but answering them is quite complicated. It is a well-known fact that across the world, the majority ... -
Strategies used in teaching English composition to learners with hearing impairment in Nyanza
(ournal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies, 2012)The Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (K.C.P.E) and Mock results in the last five years show that learners with hearing impairment perform poorly in English compared to their hearing counterparts in schools in Nyanza ... -
Instructional strategies in teaching literacy skills to learners with cerebral palsy : a case study for special classes in Kenya
(Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies, 2011)multiple-case study examined the teaching of literacy skills to pupils with Cerebral Palsy (CP) in special schools in Kenya. Cerebral palsy refers to paralysis of the brain and mainly affects muscle tone, which interferes ... -
Role of higher education in promoting inclusive education : Kenyan perspective
(Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies, 2011)Higher education is a process of imparting knowledge and skills to individuals and empowers them to; participate in development, decision making and democratic process. Effective education takes place when students are ... -
Emergent Approaches towards Sign Bilingualism in Deaf Education in Kenya
(Stichproben. Wiener Zeitschrift für kritische Afrikastudien, 2002)Abstract Deaf education in Kenya has faced a downward trend in recent decades. Findings over the years (KSDC47 1979, Ndurumo 1993 Okombo 1994, Adoyo 1995 show that the deaf have consistently trailed behind their hearing ... -
Support services and resources in regular primary schools with hearing impaired learners in Kenya: A case study of Kakamega County
(IJSTR, 2013)Information from Educational Assessment and Resource Centers (2010) in Kakamega County indicates that the number of learners with Hearing Impairment in regular primary schools increased since the inception of Free Primary ... -
Emergent Inclusive Education Practice in Kenya, Challenges and Suggestions
(International Journal, 2015)This paper highlights the status of inclusive education in Kenya, analyzing the methodological changes and approaches that have been in existences since the start of special education in Kenya. Beginning with the establishment ... -
(Commonwealth of Learning (COL), 2019)Inclusive education involves transformation of regular schools into barrier free environment to accommodate all learners. Its successful implementation is founded on policy which advocates for availability of trained ...