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dc.contributor.authorLansford, Jennifer E
dc.contributor.authorGodwin, Jennifer
dc.contributor.authorAlampay, Liane Peña
dc.contributor.authorTirado, Liliana
dc.contributor.authorZelli, Arnaldo
dc.contributor.authorAl‐Hassan, Suha M
dc.contributor.authorBacchini, Dario
dc.contributor.authorBombi, Anna Silvia
dc.contributor.authorBornstein, Marc
dc.contributor.authorLei, Lei
dc.contributor.authorDeckard, Kirby Deater‐
dc.contributor.authorGiunta, Laura Di
dc.contributor.authorDodge, Kenneth A
dc.contributor.authorMalone, Patrick S
dc.contributor.authorOburu, Paul
dc.contributor.authorPastorelli, Concetta
dc.contributor.authorSkinner, Ann T
dc.contributor.authorSorbring, Emma
dc.contributor.authorTapanya, Sombat
dc.description.abstractChildren's family obligations involve assistance and respect that children are expected to provide to immediate and extended family members and reflect beliefs related to family life that may differ across cultural groups. Mothers, fathers and children (N= 1432 families) in 13 cultural groups in 9 countries (China, Colombia, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Philippines, Sweden, Thailand and United States) reported on their expectations regarding children's family obligations and parenting attitudes and behaviours. Within families, mothers and fathers had more concordant expectations regarding children's family obligations than did parents and children. Parenting behaviours that were warmer, less neglectful and more controlling as well as parenting attitudes that were more authoritarian were related to higher expectations regarding children's family obligations between …en_US
dc.publisherJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltden_US
dc.titleMothers', fathers' and children's perceptions of parents' expectations about children's family obligations in nine countriesen_US

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