Now showing items 581-590 of 560

    Rebecca K Papas, John E Sidle, Benson N Gakinya, Joyce B Baliddawa, Steve Martino, Michael M Mwaniki, Rogers Songole, Otieno E Omolo, Allan M Kamanda, David O Ayuku, Claris Ojwang, Willis D Owino-Ong’or, Magdalena Harrington, Kendall J Bryant, Kathleen M Carroll, Amy C Justice, Joseph W Hogan, Stephen A Maisto (1)
    Rebecca K Papas, John E Sidle, Benson N Gakinya, Joyce B Baliddawa, Steve Martino, Michael M Mwaniki, Rogers Songole, Otieno E Omolo, Allan M Kamanda, David O Ayuku, Claris Ojwang, Willis D Owino‐Ong'or, Magdalena Harrington, Kendall J Bryant, Kathleen M Carroll, Amy C Justice, Joseph W Hogan, Stephen A Maisto (1)
    Ricky M. Granderson, Gary W. Harper , Ryan Wade, Wilson Odero , Daniel P. Onyango Olwango and Errol L. Fields (1)
    Rinke de Wit, Tobias F (1)
    Risks of miscarriage and inadvertent exposure to artemisinin derivatives in the first trimester of pregnancy: a prospective cohort study in western Kenya (1)
    RM Kainyu, S Kiruki, ENM Njagi, O George (1)
    Rop, Mercy (1)
    RTS The, S Epidemiology EPI-MAL, Study Group (1)
    RTS, S Epidemiology EPI-MAL-005 Study Group, Elisha Adeniji, Kwaku Poku Asante, Owusu Boahen, Guillaume Compaoré, Boubacar Coulibaly, Seyram Kaali, Youssouf Kabore, Mathieu Lamy, John Lusingu, Anangisye Malabeja, Petra Mens, Mattéa Orsini, Lucas Otieno, Walter Otieno, Seth Owusu-Agyei, Janet Oyieko, Jean-Yves Pirçon, Nicolas Praet, François Roman, Ali Sie, Valentine Sing’oei, Sodiomon B Sirima, Khadime Sylla, Roger Tine, Alfred B Tiono, Mathilda Tivura, Effua Usuf, Stéphanie Wéry (1)
    Ruchika Kohli-Kochhar, Evelyne Mulwa, Geoffrey Omuse, Peter Ojwang (1)