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dc.contributor.authorChitando, Ezra
dc.contributor.authorTogarasei, Lovemore
dc.contributor.authorMaseno, Loreen
dc.descriptionScholar article found in the book titled : African Pentecostalism from African Perspectives: Volume 2: Themesen_US
dc.description.abstractThis chapter provides the background to the volume. The volume, located within the larger discourse of the contribution by African scholars to the study of African Pentecostalism, brings to the fore some of the key themes in the field. It highlights how themes such as the Bible, women, healing, masculinities, the media, prosperity, governance, responses to COVID-19 and others intersect with and transform Pentecostalism in Africa. However, it is important to indicate that these themes are not exhaustive, but representative. They serve to highlight the vibrancy of the phenomenon and to draw attention to the contribution of African scholars in clarifying some of its most significant dimensions. Overall, the volume serves to confirm that African scholars are key stakeholders in the study of African Pentecostalism.en_US
dc.publisherSpringer Nature Switzerlanden_US
dc.titleIntroduction: Themes in African Pentecostalismen_US

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