School of Arts and Social Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 608
Relationships in Childhood
(MIT Press, 2023-09-19)This chapter focuses on early childhood experiences and how they may contribute to cooperative and peaceful behaviors and outcomes in the later childhood years and into adulthood. Five interrelated topics are explored:(a) ... -
Intraindividual variability in parental acceptance-rejection predicts externalizing and internalizing symptoms across childhood/adolescence in nine countries.
(American Psychological Association, 2023-09-21)Parenting that is high in rejection and low in acceptance is associated with higher levels of internalizing (INT) and externalizing (EXT) problems in children and adolescents. These symptoms develop and can increase in ... -
Developmental Trajectories of Parental Self-Efficacy as Children Transition to Adolescence in Nine Countries: Latent Growth Curve Analyses
(Springer US, 2023-11-13)Little is known about the developmental trajectories of parental self-efficacy as children transition into adolescence. This study examined parental self-efficacy among mothers and fathers over 3 1/2 years representing ... -
Mitindo ya Lugha Inayowabainisha Wahusika Wazimu katika Riwaya za Habwe
(EASTAFRICAN NATURE& SCIENCE ORGANIZATION, 2023-07-31)Takwimu za Shirika la Afya Ulimwenguni zinaonyesha ongezeko la idadi ya wazimu katika jamii duniani kote (Kovacevic, 2021). Waandishi wa fasihi wamewaumba wahusika wazimu wakiakisi mazingira wanamoishi. Tangu jadi wahakiki ... -
Politeness in nonverbal communication: a commentary on non-verbal communication in a linguistics classroom context in a selected Kenyan university
(European Journal of Applied Linguistics Studies, 2023-07-05)The aim of this article was to explain the effects of politeness as entailed in nonverbal language use in the instructional process. Non-verbal communication skills also known as silent language, include all behaviours ... -
Politeness Strategies in Computer Mediated Communication (CMC):
(Al-Kindupublishers, 2023-08-13)This paper examines the politeness theory in the light of Austin & Searle’s speech act theory as reflected in CMC between students and their lecturers or supervisors. Thus politeness aspects were analyzed as enacted in ... -
Alternative Media and Ethnic Politics in Kenya
(Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication, 2023-08-23)The history of the use of alternative media in Kenya’s politics shows evidence that it was in use in 2007, when the country came into the brink of a genocide; and, prominently in use, in the recent 2022 general elections. ... -
Anti-Politics and Free Maternal Health Services in Kilifi County, Kenya
(Routledge, 2023-01-02)Maternal healthcare is a global agenda. Kenya introduced free maternity services (FMS) in 2013 to allow women to give birth for free in all government public health facilities. The introduction of FMS was timely due to the ... -
Introduction: Religion and Inequality in Africa
(Bloomsbury, 2023-01-12) -
10 Securitization of COVID-19 and the Imagination of Post-COVID-19 Burial Ceremonies in Kenya and Zimbabwe
(Taylor & Francis, 2023)The years 2020 and 2021 will go down in history as the most tragic period in the second decade of the new millennium as the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic resulted in death and untold suffering the world over (Sibanda ... -
3 Sitting on a Grave
(Taylor & Francis, 2023)COVID-19 in Kenya necessitated an enforcement of Ministry of Health (MOH) burial guidelines. These were met with resistance at various levels, even as the State demanded that these guidelines be unilaterally enforced. After ... -
Local perspectives on policy implementation of free maternity health services in Kenya: Implications for universal health coverage.
(African Journal of Reproductive Health, 2023-05-02)Kenya introduced free maternity services (FMS) in 2013 to enable all pregnant women to give birth for free in all government public health facilities. Currently, Kenya is rolling out universal health coverage (UHC), which ... -
Olikoye Ransome-Kuti: a treasured advocate for primary health care and a pioneer of good health governance
(African Journal of Reproductive Health, 2023-05-31)Given the phenomenal contributions he made to primary health care worldwide, and to the promotion of sexual and reproductive health care in the African region, the African Journal of Reproductive Health (AJRH) has ... -
Tourism memories – a collaborative reflection on inclusion and exclusion
(Taylor and Francis online, 2023-05-15)The purpose of this paper is to explore how people’s differentiated privileged and marginalised positions in society create instances of inclusion and exclusion in tourism. Eight authors utilised their diverse disciplinary ... -
Media Exposure and Awareness Creation: Examination of a Vernacular Radio Health Programme on Type 2 Diabetes
(Scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2023-04-30)Communication research has established a cause-effect relationship between amount of media exposure and audience awareness about issues in the society. Against this, different media programmes have been rolled out in an ... -
Expectations, Culture, and Adaptation to Higher Education Institutions by First-Year Students
(IGI Global, 2023)This chapter analyzed expectations, culture, and adaptation to higher education institutions by first-year students. By adopting a conceptual review as framework, data were obtained from published literature. The results ... -
Nafasi ya Ikolojia ya Lugha katika Mtagusano wa Kiswahili na Kibukusu katika Mawanda ya Dini katika Kaunti ya Bungoma
(EAST AFRICANNATURE & SCIENCEORGANIZATION, 2023-03-27)Nyanja mbalimbali katika jamii hutegemea matumizi ya lugha. Hali hii huzua changamoto ya namna ya kutumia raslimali za lugha zinazopatikana katika jamiilugha fulani. Juhudi ya kufahamu na kutagusana na ulimwengu huhitaji ... -
Kubainisha Usawiri wa Ukahaba naWahusika Makahaba katika Riwaya ya Nyota ya Rehema na Ndoto ya Almasi
(Jarida la Afrika Mashariki la Masomo ya Kiswahili, 2022-12-28)Utafiti huu ulichunguza ukahaba katika riwaya ya Nyota ya Rehema (Mohamed S.Mohamed) na Ndoto ya Almasi (Ken Walibora). Kitendo cha ukahaba kimesababisha mashaka mengi sana katika maisha ya mwanadamu kama vile kupoteza ... -
Effects of COVID-19 on Kenya’s Healthcare System: Healthcare Providers’ Experiences with Maternal Health Services Utilization in Coastal Kenya
(MDPI, 2023-02-28)The COVID-19 pandemic overstretched health systems in developed and developing nations. Like other African nations, Kenya has a frail health system, making responding to the pandemic a problem. Recent studies during COVID-19 ... -
Pseudo-Reduplication in Lukisa Dialect
(East African Scholars Publisher, Kenya, 2022): Reduplication is a grammatical aspect found in a wide range of African languages and it is sometimes interchangeably used with repetition. Reduplication is both a morphological and a phonological process of forming a ...