School of Arts and Social Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-80 of 608
Form of Idioms which are Susceptible to Misinterpretation by the Fans of Witimbule Programme in Radio Mambo FM
(Indiana, 2023-03-03)Idioms are notoriously applicable in Witimbule Programme of Radio Mambo FM broadcast among the fans from the Luhya speaking communities to make their language native-like, for face-saving and regulation of human behavior. ... -
Phonemic Representation and Transcription for Speech to Text Applications for Under-resourced Indigenous African Languages: The Case of Kiswahili
(arxiv, 2022-10-29)Building automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems is a challenging task, especially for underresourced languages that need to construct corpora nearly from scratch and lack sufficient training data. It has emerged that ... -
Parenting, Adolescent Sensation Seeking, and Subsequent Substance Use: Moderation by Adolescent Temperament
(Springer US, 2023-03-24)Although previous research has identified links between parenting and adolescent substance use, little is known about the role of adolescent individual processes, such as sensation seeking, and temperamental tendencies for ... -
Measures adopted by indigent mothers in Kilifi County to tackle maternal health challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study
(AJOL, 2022)Many sub-Saharan African countries have experienced various challenges that threaten the quality of health services offered to the population. The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted access to healthcare services in many countries ... -
Awareness and utilization of free maternal healthcare services among women in Mt. Elgon SubCounty, Kenya
(Med Rxiv, 2023)Maternal mortality remains a matter of public health concern with over 300,000 women dying while giving birth annually. This has driven policy makers to come up with free maternal healthcare services as policy intervention. ... -
Phonemic Representation and Transcription for Speech to Text Applications for Under-resourced Indigenous African Languages: The Case of Kiswahili
(, 2022)Building automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems is a challenging task, especially for under resourced languages that need to construct corpora nearly from scratch and lack sufficient training data. It has emerged ... -
Research Methods for Public Policy
(Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2022)As implied by the topic, this chapter focuses on research methods applied or applicable in public policy research. Though the overriding focus is on specifc research methods, we deemed it necessary to preface these ... -
Important pillars in delivery of mass campaign messages to a target audience through earned media
(Maseno University, 2022)Over the years, the remits of different theoretical and policy discourses on media issues have dealt with how conventional forms of mass media are a crucial ingredient for effective media campaigns. They have marked and ... -
Fear-arousing persuasive communication and behaviour change: Covid-19 in Kenya
(Intellect, 2021)With the absence of immunological, pharmacological or any other known medical interventions, the change in norms, behaviour and attitude of the public remains the only possible way that may be considered for prevention and ... -
Communicating Through Service Charter to Enhance Delivery of Immigration Services in Kenya
(Research Academy of Social Sciences, 2014)This study sought to establish the role played by communication in the on-going reform programmes in Kenya’s public sector and, particularly, in the immigration department. In particular, it has investigated the function ... -
The Significance of Livelihood Support Projects to Health Communication Strategies in Resource-deprived Settings: A Look at the Medical Male Circumcision Programme in Siaya County, Kenya
(Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, 2020)Behaviour change communicators and health experts often assume that individual beliefs and perceptions hold the key to explaining health behaviours, thereby ignoring the extraneous constraints that obtain in the ... -
Barriers to Interpersonal Communication as a Tool for Improving the Uptake of Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision in Siaya County, Kenya
(Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing, 2020)Despite its acknowledged importance in health management, particularly when dealing with such sensitive issues that transcend the boundaries of health as sexuality, stigma and discrimination, there is little research on ... -
Coordinate Ellipsis in EkeGusii: An Overview
(Jadavpur Journal of Languages and Linguistics, 2019)This paper gives the distributional characteristics of coordinate elliptical constructions in EkeGusii. The syntax of the constructions is given using a Phase theoretic approach, one of the current theoretical constructs ... -
Ekegusii Subject and Object Markers: Affixes or Clitics?
(Human Resource Management Academic Research Society, 2019)Bantu languages are known for their agglutinative nature and complex verbal morphology. A single verbal complex has several affixes including the subject markers (SMs) and object markers (OMs). The precise status of the ... -
A Pragmatic Analysis of Impoliteness Forms and Strategies in Ekegusii Arbitration Discourse, Kenya
(Accelerating the world's research., 2020)Politeness is a pragmatic concept that assumes mutually co-orperative behavior considerateness for others and polished behaviour in verbal interactions. Politeness guards against harming the hearer and speaker’s self-esteem ... -
Effect of school category on adjustment of re-admitted teenage mothers in secondary schools
(scientific route, 2022)The study examined the adjustment of re-admitted teenage mothers on the bases of school categories in selected secondary schools in Kenya. -
Sexism of the Jiko (Cooking Stove), Food and Sexuality: The Fuzzy Conceptual Boundary
(Linguistics and Literature Studies, 2019)This paper re-examines the Jiko 1 as a symbol of femininity within the East African region. In the Kenyan society, jikos serve as charcoal based ceramic stoves used for cooking in virtually all households. The goal of ... -
Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Regional Integration in the East African Community (EAC): A Literature Review
(IISTE, 2021)As part of a doctoral study, this review makes a case for the study of the influence of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) on the integration of the East African Community (EAC). Beginning with philosophical postulations ... -
The Strategies adopted by Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) seeking to influence East African Community (EAC) Policies
(ResearchGate, 2022)This research paper presents an examination of the strategies adopted by Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in seeking to influence the policies of the East African Community (EAC). The introductory part details an overview ... -
The Influence Of Civil Society Organizations (CSOS) On East African Community (EAC) Policies
(International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS), 2022)As part of the findings of a doctoral study, this article presents an analysis of the influence of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) on the policies of the East African Community (EAC). It presents a detailed discussion ...