School of Education: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 315
Strategies used by Students to Cope with Mental Health Issues in Secondary Schools in Kisii County, Kenya
(International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS), 2023-07-11)Mental health issues are becoming increasingly common among students worldwide, Kenya has not been spared. Studies have shown that approximately 20% of school students are now affected by diagnosable mental illnesses, with ... -
Teacher Education Reforms in Kenya: The Past, the Present, and Mapping the Future
(Emerald Publishing Limited, 2023-08-10)Teacher education in Kenya was formally started in mid-nineteenth century by European Christian missionaries. The urge to establish teacher education programs at the time was to address the shortage of teachers due to the ... -
Predicting Adolescent Mental Health Outcomes Across Cultures: A Machine Learning Approach
(Springer US, 2023-04-19)Adolescent mental health problems are rising rapidly around the world. To combat this rise, clinicians and policymakers need to know which risk factors matter most in predicting poor adolescent mental health. Theory-driven ... -
Perception of Teachers towards their Transfers on Students’ Academic Achievement in Public Secondary Schools in Kakamega County
(Journal of Education, Society and Behavioural Science, 2023-02-04)Teachers’ transfers are historical occurrences in education. However, such transfers may have different effects on teacher stability and curriculum coverage. The focus of this study was to assess the perception of teachers ... -
The Role of Teaching Christian Religious Education to the Development of Critical Thinking Amongst Kenyan Secondary School Students in Kisumu East District, Kenya
(International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 2012)Previous research has consistently reported that Kenyan students’ moral standing and general conduct in the wider society reflects incompetence in critical thinking. The scenario in which irrational behavior has dominated ... -
Assessing Moral Education in Kenyan Secondary Schools
(International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 2021)Previous research has consistently reported that Kenyan students’ moral standing and general conduct in the wider society reflects incompetence in moral insights. The scenario in which immoral behavior has dominated ... -
Relationship between Intrinsic Teacher Motivation and Teacher Amotivation and Student Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Gem Sub-County, Kenya.
(Net Journals. 25 Akintola Road, Sapele, Delta State, 331107, Nigeria, 2022)Studies on teacher motivation indicate low teacher motivation results in low student academic performance. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between teacher motivation and student academic performance ... -
Challenges in the supply of science and technology education training programs in the TVET institutions in Nyanza region, Kenya
(OAPUB, 2022)The supply of TVET education refers to the amount of education that the stakeholders are willing to supply to its people. The relevance of the supply of TVET education must transform into labour market, which enables ... -
Relationship between Entry Level, Attitude and Students’ Performance in Mathematics in Public Secondary Schools in Kisumu East District, Kenya
(World Journal of Innovative Research, 2023)— Mathematics is one of the core subjects in secondary school curriculum. Performance in the subject is crucial for students’ admission to scientific and technological professions.However, there has been persistent ... -
Mainstreaming Gender and Inclusion in Distance Learning Resources: A Case Study
(Commonwealth of Learning (COL), 2022)Studies have shown that gender imbalances and biased gender representations are common in materials used in educational systems throughout the world. Learning resources for Open and Distance Learning programmes are, ... -
Building individual and community resilience through Open Education Resources for health literacy education in sub-Saharan Africa
(Commonwealth of Learning (COL), 2022)Health literacy is the ability of individuals to understand health information and to make informed health decisions. As part of a larger project, we completed a scoping review to consider the question “To what extent ... -
Cybersecurity in Online Learning: Innovations for Teacher Training and Empowerment
(Commonwealth of Learning (COL), 2022)Recent technological advances in teaching and learning provide dynamic tools required to meet the educational needs of the digital era. However, teachers and other educators are increasingly experiencing cyber threats ... -
Constituent order in Flemish Sign Language (VGT) and South African Sign Language (SASL): a cross-linguistic study
(John Benjamins, 2007)his paper reports on a comparison of word order issues, and more specifically on the order of the verb and its arguments, in two unrelated sign languages: South African Sign Language and Flemish Sign Language. The study ... -
Gender and Age Differences in the Relationship between Sensation-Seeking and Sexual Risk-Taking Behavior among Adolescents
(international journal of psychology and Education studies, 2022)The study examined gender and age differences in the relationship between sensation seeking and sexual risk behaviors among secondary school students in Kenya. The study was conducted in Kisumu Municipality. Kisumu was ... -
Level of ICT Integration in Teaching of English: The Kenyan Case
(Academia, 2020)This paper is part of research on ICT integration and its contribution to the teaching of English in Kisumu County Kenya. ICT integration just like other innovations goes through stages as it develops to efficacy. ICT ... -
Relationship Between Human Resources And Students’ Performance in Kisumu County
(Maseno University, 2020)Primary schools exist to fulfill certain mandates that include offering quality education to learners, maximizing the stakeholders’ interest, social responsibility and ethics. However, the achievement of these mandates ... -
When online learning and cultural values intersect: Indonesian EFL students' voices
(Institutes for Educational Research in NSW, SA and WA, 2022)During the COVID-19 pandemic, all lecturers had to replace their physical classroom teaching mode with online learning, albeit with challenges experienced by students and lecturers. Drawing upon Hofstede's cultural dimensions ... -
Prospects, challenges and strategies of internationalization of University Education in Kenya
(International Journal of Educational Innovation and Research, 2022)Education has become more international and in this millennium, governments have laid emphasis on internationalization of higher education through international co-operation and exchange. In Kenya, institutions and ... -
Influence of competency level of teachers in integration of ICT in teaching English subject in secondary schools in Kenya
(IJARKE Humanities & Social Sciences Journal, 2020)This paper is part of research on ICT integration and its contribution to the teaching of English in Kisumu County Kenya. ICT integration just like other innovations goes through stages as it develops to efficacy. ICT ... -
Supporting Teachers Moving Online, Using a MOOC, during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
(Commonwealth of Learning. 4710 Kingsway Suite 2500, Burnaby, BC V5H 4M2 Canada, 2021)Following campus closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many Ministries of Education around the world requested teachers to move their teaching online. This case study reflects on how the Commonwealth of Learning responded ...