School of Education: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 315
Policy Brief: Leveraging MOOCs for Teacher Development in Low-Income Countries and Disadvantaged Regions
(Commonwealth of Learning (COL), 2021)This policy brief looks at open digital distance learning and the potential of massive open online courses to deliver and support teacher development in low-income countries and disadvantaged regions. It addresses the ... -
Open educational resources, technology-enabled teacher learning and social justice
(Routledge, 2021)This chapter addresses two questions: What is the role of teacher education in increasing access to, and participation in, education, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa? and How can digital technologies (DTs), such as the ... -
Re-imagining teacher education for a post-pandemic future
(Commonwealth of Learning (COL), 2021)To help Commonwealth governments and institutions use technologies to improve and expand learning for sustainable development -
Pacific Partnership for Open, Flexible and Distance Learning: Two Case Studies
(Commonwealth of Learning (COL), 2021)To help Commonwealth governments and institutions use distance and open learning for sustainable livelihoods -
Challenges of the internal efficiency of science and technology education training programs in the tvet institutions in Nyanza region, Kenya
(European journal of education studies, 2022)Globally technical training institutions have been established to promote quality academic and technical-oriented programs. This study was motivated by persistent low enrolment in most TVET programs despite reforms being ... -
Mainstreaming Blended Learning in a Low-Income University
(IntechOpen, 2022)Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Maseno University (MU) began to consider institutional shift from traditional face-to-face (F2F) instructions to online and blended modes of teaching and learning. The university was able to ... -
Household Income Predicts Trajectories of Child Internalizing and Externalizing Behavior in High-, Middle-, and Low-Income Countries
(SAGE, 2019)This study examined longitudinal links between household income and parents’ education and children’s trajectories of internalizing and externalizing behaviors from age 8 to 10 reported by mothers, fathers, and children. ... -
Influence of teacher stress on students’ academic performance in public secondary schools in kenya: a case study of Kakamega north sub-county
(International Journal of Current Research, 2018)Studies worldwide have revealed that teachers like other professionals do experience stress in their workplaces. Moderate stress has been found to enhance performance of workers whereas low and high stress characterized ... -
Relationship Between ICT Usage For Record Keeping And Principals’ Administrative Quality In Public Secondary Schools In Homabay County
(IJIRAS, 2020)Information Communication Technology (ICT) entrenchment in school management is vital for optimization of education organizational outcomes. Studies in various counties in Kenya on effect of ICT entrenchment in individual ... -
Teachers` level of support in the use of teaching and learning resources of learners who are physically challenged in regular primary Schools in Kisumu West Sub County, Kenya.
(ASSRJ, 2020)The Government of Kenya made inclusive education a policy requirement in the provision of education to all children. Research has shown that the support given by teachers plays a very ... -
Influence of Role Play Teaching Technique on Secondary School Students’ Acquisition of Life Skills through Christian Religious Education in Ndhiwa Sub-County, Kenya
(IJISRT, 2020)Christian Religious Education (CRE) is a carrier subject of Life Skills content in Kenyan Secondary School Curriculum. The purpose of this study was to establish the effect of Role Play Teaching Technique ( RP) on ... -
Prevalence and Gender Disparity in Substance Use and Abuse among Adolescents in Public Secondary Schools in Kisumu East Sub-county, Kisumu, Kenya
(Research gate, 2021)Substance use and abuse is a serious problem in Kenya. Kisumu County leads in substance use and abuse among 12–25- year-olds. There is, however, a dearth of studies on the prevalence and gender disparity in adolescents’ ... -
Interaction of Reward Seeking and Self-Regulation in the Prediction of Risk Taking: A Cross-National Test of the Dual Systems Model
(APA, 2016)Dual systems models of adolescent risk taking posit that height ened risk taking at this age is the result of a maturational imbalance between brain systems responsible for reward processing, which mature early in ... -
Relationship between Teachers’ Attitudes towards Challenging Behaviours and the Choice of Management Strategies among Learners with Autistic Spectrum Disorders
(International Journal of Current Innovations in Advanced Research, 2018)Teachers working with learners with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) often feel ill prepared to manage challenging behaviours presented by them. Quite often, when they are faced with cases of challenging behaviour, ... -
Contribution of teacher attitude to management of student safety in emergency Incidents in public secondary schools in kenya
(International Journal of Current Research, 2018)Parents expect a secure learning environment for their children while in teachers’ custody, yet threats to student safety are increasing globally, and Kenya is no exception. In Kisumu County, incidents of floods, criminal ... -
Aiming towards Lifelong Learning by adding an eCampus to a Kenyan University
(Research gate, 2019)AIMING TOWARDS LIFE LONG LEARNING BY ADDING AN ECAMPUS TO A KENYAN UNIVERSITY D. Stern1, B. Ogange1, M. Ayere1, R. Kim2 1Maseno University (KENYA) 2Columbia University (UNITED STATES) In September 2011 Maseno University ... -
Quality Assurance Factors Influencing Implementation of Early Childhood Development and Education Curriculum
(South Asian Research Journal of Business and Management, 2019)Quality of education is determined by conditions of learning in institutions. There are real concerns raised by stakeholders regarding quality of education in Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE) centers in ... -
Extent of adaptation of teaching and learning strategies in inclusive public centers in Kisumu county,Kenya
(European Journal of Education Studies, 2020)Inclusive teaching and learning strategies strive to meet the needs of all learners, regardless of difficult or need and support their engagement with the subject material. One of the important principles of inclusive ... -
Quality CBC education in Kenya by 2030: projecting enrolment in primary and secondary schools in Siaya county
(European Journal of Education Studies, 2020)There has been a near complete transition from primary to secondary level of education in Kenya especially given the Free Primary Education and subsidized secondary education. The Free Primary Education, Free Day Secondary ... -
Differences In Self-Concept Among Low Vision Learners And Those Who Are Totally Blind In Primary Schools, Kenya
(International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS), 2020)Self-concept is one of the most popular ideas in psychological literature. Unfortunately self-concept is also illusive and often poorly defined construct. Terms such as self-concept, self-esteem, self-worth, self-acceptance ...