Abstract/ Overview
Job satisfaction is important in a working environment as it determines organizational performance. Studies have highlighted the importance of remuneration, personnel, institutional activties and government policy guidelines being job satisfaction factors that influence job performance. In this respect, public teacher training colleges in Kenya have realized relatively poor performance in PTE examinations as from 2014 to 2017. In 2014, the mean was 4.4; 2015, 4.2; 2016, 4.33 and in 2017 5.1 for the five colleges displayed. The recent data reveals that out of 12,438 candidates who sat Primary Teacher Education Examinations in 2017, only 5 candidates scored distinctions, 4992 had credit, 886 had pass while 5932 failed and could not graduate. Furthermore performance among Teacher Trainees has been on the decline since 2014, as ranking for college mean for PTE 2016 examinations results for the top 5 Primary Teachers Training Colleges indicated. The purpose of the study was to establish the influence of job satisfaction factors among Tutors on Teacher Trainees performance in Public Teacher Training Colleges in Kenya. Objectives of the study was to, establish the influence of remuneration factors, personnel factors, institutional factors and government policy factors on job satisfaction among Tutors on Teacher Trainees performance. A conceptual framework was used to show how job satisfaction factors influence job teachers’ trainees’ performance. The research design used was descriptive survey and correlation research. The study population consisted of 22 Principals and 1000 Tutors from Primary Teachers Training Colleges in the country. Purposive sampling and stratified random sampling technique was used to select 20 principals and 300 Tutors as sample size respectively. Questionnaires, interview schedules and document analysis guide was used as research tools. Face validity of the instruments was established by experts in the department of Educational Management and Foundations at Maseno University, while reliability of instruments was established by piloting for 2 principals and 33 tutors. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics in form of percentages, means and Correlation (r). Qualitative data was transcribed and analyzed on an on-going process as themes and sub themes emerged.The study established that remuneration of tutors had relations with teacher motivation and improved trainee’s performance with a mean rating of 4.16 for improved salaries. Personnel factors had influence on job satisfaction among tutors on trainee’s performance as those who have reached self actualization were motivated and posted high college mean performance. This was evidenced by a mean rating of 4.00. Institutional factors also had influence on job satisfaction among tutors on trainees’ performance with a mean rating of 4.13 which was high. Lastly government policy factors was found to be crucial in motivating tutors with a mean rating of 3.24 and this had positive influence on trainee’s performance. It further recommended that the findings be used by college administrators, Ministry of Education, Kenya Institute of Curriculum development and TSC to initiate and develop policies that could help and improve job satisfaction among teachers in the country.
- School of Education [69]