Effect of anthropogenic activities on terrestrial flora and Fauna species in Rachuonyo South sub county, Homabay county Kenya
Globally, terrestrial flora and fauna species are at the brink of extinction yearly due to the
increase in human population. Yearly, species reduce at 34% globally and 68% in Kenya as
result of increased anthropogenic activities. The current rapid population growth has led to
increased anthropogenic activities and population pressure on the land posing threats to the
survival of terrestrial flora and fauna species. In Kenya, Rachuonyo South Sub County is
characterized by rising population growth evidenced by a population density of 511
persons/Km2 which was far above the national population density of 82 persons/Km2. This
poses a threat to existing flora and fauna species in the region. However, there is less
documentation on specific anthropogenic activities and the type and number of flora and fauna
species affected by these activities. About 74% and 97% of population in Rachuonyo depends
on agriculture and wood fuel respectively. Notably, hunting and gathering and vegetation
clearance are anthropogenic activities taking place in Rachuonyo, and yet it is not well
documented on how these activities are threatening terrestrial flora and fauna species.
Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the effect of anthropogenic activities on
terrestrial flora and fauna species. The objectives of this study were to: identify the terrestrial
flora and fauna species threatened by anthropogenic activities, explain the effect of hunting
and gathering on terrestrial flora and fauna species and determine the effect of vegetation
clearance on terrestrial flora and fauna species. The study was guided by ecological t h e o ry .
A cross-sectional descriptive research design was used. A minimum sample size of 379
household heads was taken out of a target population of 30,990. Purposive sampling was used
to get 10 key informants. Primary data were collected through questionnaires, key informant
interviews, photography and field observation, while secondary data were obtained from
published and unpublished reports. Expert judgement was used to determine validity while
Cronbach Alpha was used to ascertain reliability of the instruments. Qualitative data was
examined through content analysis and quantitative data was analyzed using frequencies,
percentages, mean and standard deviation. The study revealed that there are 80 and 25
threatened terrestrial flora and fauna species respectively in Rachuonyo South Sub-County.
The study revealed that daily and weekly hunting were found significant and negatively
correlated with the number of animals hunted down r (377 = -.587., p = .04 and r (377 = -.465,
p = 02. Daily gathering was significant and negatively correlated to the amount of vegetation
gathered r (377 = -.778., p = .05 (Table 24). Both once a year and twice a year vegetation
clearance were found significant and negatively correlated with the number of animals hunted
down r (377 = -.543., p = .04 and r (377 = -.455, p = 02 respectively. Both once a year and
twice a year vegetation clearance was found significant and negatively correlated with the
number of flora species r (377 = -.527., p = .04 and r (377 = -.345, p = 02 respectively. The
study concluded that Rachuonyo South Sub County is endowed with a variety of terrestrial
flora and fauna species with hunting and gathering and vegetation clearance threatening the
survival of these species. The study recommends on sensitization of the local community on
the importance of terrestrial flora and fauna species. There is need for enhancement of
conservation measures so as to ensure protection and conservation of these species for
increased biodiversity in the region and country at large.