School of Education: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-80 of 315
Attachment goes to court: child protection and custody issues
(Informa UK Limited, 2021)Attachment theory and research are drawn upon in many applied settings, including family courts, but misunderstandings are widespread and sometimes result in misapplications. The aim of this consensus statement is, therefore, ... -
Effectiveness teacher-centered method of teaching christian religious education in instilling respect among students in public secondary schools in Rachuonyo North sub-county, Kenya
(IPRJP, 2021)Purpose: This study evaluated the effectiveness of teacher-centered method of teaching Christian Religious Education in instilling respect among students in public secondary schools in Rachuonyo North Sub-County, Kenya. ... -
Appropriacy of process approach in the teaching of composition writing in upper primary classes in Kenya
(EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR), 2021)Imaginative composition writing skills (IMW) in Kenyan primary schools strengthen learners’ learning, thinking and reflect on their overall academic performance. However, achieving good composition writing is challenging ... -
Influence of subjective norms of family members on students’ performance in mathematics in public secondary schools in Migori county, Kenya
(IJREP Veda Publications, 2020)Performance in Mathematics has been poor at secondary level in Kenya despite initiatives like Strengthening Mathematics and Science Studies Education (SMASSE), providing text books and employing trained mathematics ... -
Parental acceptance–rejection and child prosocial behavior: Developmental transactions across the transition to adolescence in nine countries, mothers and fathers, and girls and boys
(American Psychological Association, 2018)Promoting children’s prosocial behavior is a goal for parents, healthcare professionals, and nations. Does positive parenting promote later child prosocial behavior, or do children who are more prosocial elicit more positive ... -
Career aspirations and decision making self efficacy: Secondary School Students’assessment based on KCSE exams in Kenya
(Academic journals, 2021)The purpose of the study was to determine career decision making self efficacy by assessing career aspirations and attainment in National examinations. The objectives of the study were to: Find out the students sources of ... -
Towards a policy on teacher use of language during science teaching and learning in South Africa
(Routledge, 2020)The preferred and dominant language for learning and teaching (LOLT) in secondary schools across South Africa is English. Questionnaire studies on students’ understandings of everyday English words commonly used by teachers ... -
Learners’ attitude in teaching and learning of kiswahili in secondary schools: challenges and strategies
(European Journal of Education Studies, 2019)Existing studies indicate that increasing effectiveness in teaching and learning positively influence performance. However, challenges may diminish effectiveness in teaching and learning leading to poor performance. The ... -
Low Vision Devices For The Blind, Yes. What Are The Challenges?
(International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS), 2021): It has been observed that when users of low vision devices view through the optical centre of the devices, they tend to shield light that fall at the centre thus reducing visibility of whatever one was to regard, such ... -
Relationship between Instruction Cultures and Students’ Retention in Chartered Christian Universities in Kenya
(edition Consortium, 2019)The role of this study was to establish the relationship between instruction cultures and student retention in Chartered Christian Universities in Kenya. The study was based on Students’ Integration Theory by Tinto ... -
The Relationship between Teacher Perception and Support and Academic Achievement of Slow Learners in Secondary Schools in Kakamega County, Kenya
(Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2020)Learning difficulties encompass a wide range of learning problems including slow learning. Slow learners have mild intellectual disability and acquire skills at a slower rate compared to the normal student. Slow learners ... -
Conflicts in the management of religious sponsored public secondary schools. Experience from Kenya
(European Journal of education studies, 2017)Religious sponsors have in the past contributed immensely to the growth of education in Kenya. The purpose of this study was to find out the factors that lead to the management conflicts between religious sponsors and other ... -
Parenting and Positive Adjustment for Adolescents in Nine Countries
(Springer, 2018) -
Effectiveness of Multimodal Microlearning for In-Service Teacher Training
(Journal of Learning and Development, 2020)To meet the growing demand for continuing professional development of practising teachers, the integrated in-service teacher training (INSET) programme aims at making permanent improvements on the quality of teaching and ... -
A cross-sectional examination of response inhibition and working memory on the Stroop task
(Elsevier, 2018)The authors examined the association between working memory and response inhibition on the Stroop task using a cross-sectional, international sample of 5099 individuals (49.3% male) ages 10–30 (M = 17.04 years; SD = 5.9). ... -
Contribution of School Administrators to Physical Facilities in Enhancement of Students’ Academic Performance in Secondary Schools in Kenya: An Emperical Study of Secondary School Administrators in Emuhaya and Vihiga Sub Counties
(East African Scholars Publisher, 2020): Studies worldwide have revealed that school administrators are key contributors to students‟ academic performance by enhancing physical facilities within schools. Notwithstanding this assertion in some countries ... -
The Influence Of Instructional Resources on Academic Performance in Mixed Day Secondary Schools in Kisumu East District, Kenya
(African journal of education and practice(AJEP), 2018)The purpose of this study was to find out how instructional resources influence academic performance in mixed day secondary schools in Kisumu East District. The objective of the study was to examine how the instructional ... -
Approaches in Creative Writing Pedagogy in English in Upper Primary Classes in Kenya
(International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, 2020)Creative Writing (CW) is a highly complex skill especially to learners who are non-native speakers of English. In Kenya, English is taught as a second language (L2) and is both an examinable subject and a language of ... -
A second chance to dream: initiating ODeL in secondary school re-entry programs for young adult secondary school dropouts the case of Mumias District, Western Kenya
(Routledge, 2018)The Kenyan education system has very limited re-entry options for learners who drop out before attaining secondary school certificate. It is very difficult to access training and or secure a job that requires at least ...